Use your Ticket Evolution API credentials with this playground to make actual requests to both Sandbox and Production.

This playground uses PHP client library. Not all API endpoints are represented here and not all PHP Library methods are available here. Not all of the API endpoints and PHP Library methods are available to all API users.

Environment and Credentials
PHP Library Method
List Parameters
Method Specific Parameters
Separate email addresses by a comma and Playground will transform them into the array the API expects.
Service type for this shipment, as returned from a call to get rates.
Office ID of the seller.
Office ID of the seller.
The user ID of the reviewer who belongs to the Office who received the order.
Account balance without currency symbol. e.g. “100.00”.
Amount of transaction without currency symbol. e.g. “100.00”.
Separate tags by a comma and Playground will transform them into the array the API expects.